Monday, February 20, 2012

Biggest Winner Team meets Joe from Biggest Loser & update on LIve @ Five @ 4

The Biggest Winner team has now lost over 121 pounds and they are looking fit and having fun even despite their long runs and tough workouts at FSHFC with trainers like Chris OHearn and others.

Saturday we met up with KTC runners/walkers at Eddie's Health Shoppe and about 100 folks on had to do 4-15 miles depending on what they needed to do for long run/walk for half marathon, relay or full marathon training.  And Joe Mitchell from season 2011 came along with his wife and kids to say a few words to all and esp our team and then walked some with the crew down on 10 mile greenway out of Jean Ashe park.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Team Support.. Sharing.. Fitness... Food Tips.. & Fun ALL  keys to success
Today was a great example about why TEAM is so important.  It could be a family team, a work place team, a buddy team or a formal team like ours, but it does boost success.  Our team is called the Biggest Winner team ... for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. They are all trying to get fit and loose some weight and willing to "put it out there " for others to see.  They have been featured in the News Sentinel, Halls Shopper, the Mountain Press, the Oak Ridge paper about their wt struggles and life tragedies they are getting over.  They appear on WBIR's Live at Five @ Four, Mornings w/ Fox 43, Missy Kane Fit and Fun (PBS), WIVK mentions & on blogs and on  pages.

Has it all been easy? No!  Most work full time and juggle that with families and even for one member a recent car wreck that can be a Big set back.  But they all have managed to loose some wt (6-25pds) and inches over the holidays which is pretty amazing feat in itself. They go to our Saturdays "Health Shoppe" KTC training sessions, Thursday strength night with Chris O'Hearn @ Fort Sanders Health & Fitness Center, Weekly classes at Covenant Health Weight Management Center and fit testing from Cov Therapy Center. While often fun, some are painful both physically and emotionally.

But today after our training with KTC crew (70 plus) @ Runners Market where most did 5-8 miles we went over to Panera Bread for some coffee, water, oatmeal, egg sandwich etc and to TALK.  That is a key for this group. They share what works, what doesn't, what has been hard etc. Tips like tossing out all junk foods from temptation, to fixing meals ahead and freezing them, to keeping healthy snacks around and even in car, these tips all help them achieve their goals. Many are blogging, using pedometer and new tools "fit bit" etc to help them stay on track.

And they are (for the most part ha) listening to my training tips about mixing in many low impact workout sessions on bike, elliptical, swimming, low impact classes to help them avoid injury.  If you are new to long distance and if you are carrying extra weight you have to be very careful to not up the distance and the speed too quickly or YOU will GET injured.  But 4-5 days a week of 30-45 minute workouts some strength work (twice a week) and One day GOING longer (increase weekend long effort by 1/2 mile 3 weeks in row then back off etc) are my suggestions for training. I think taking classes at a gym (FSHFC for them) or community classes (like BODY Works Classes) are also good for core strength, balance, range of motion and to help avoid boredom. We sometime mix in a hike too which are fun and great way to burn calories.  Enough "preaching" I'll post some fun pictures of the gang now.

Good luck to all and if you want a free guide to training for Half marathon, Full, or 5k the Call Center  541-4500 at Covenant Health can mail you one for free or you can pick up at local running stores.